TOP COMPANIES 2024 are profitable business enterprises that create long-term value and build a solid foundation for Lithuania. nominates and awards companies that meet the set criteria only, trusting and recommending them as promising and economically stable companies that can be reasonably expected to ensure successful and sustainable cooperation. A mere 6% of Lithuanian companies meet the strict TOP Company 2024 criteria.
The “Strongest in Lithuania” certificate is a rating given by the credit bureau Creditinfo to financially sound companies with a good credit history. This is one of the oldest and knowledge awards in Lithuania, which is also recognized by international business partners. The certificate confirms that the company is reliable, its condition and financial results are good, and its efficient activities value the development of the Lithuanian economy and fair business culture. The better the credit rating, the less likely the company is to default for 90 days or more. The solvency and rating of companies are determined by the credit history – fulfillment of financial obligations, punctuality of payments, financial results – profit, liquidity, changes in equity, and other indicators.
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